
Exotica Skylark

Exotica Skylark hails from Exotica Kingdom. With her mystic powers, she can transform into anything and transport into any world at any timeline.

She appeared in Burlesque 101 Recital as Robotica 5000, a robot sent from the future to experience the female human form and emotions as an exotic dancer. Exotica has also sneaked into this world as the Uptight Jack, a CFO who is very uptight and always on time in his well-pressed black suit. Back in her own world, she inhabits her true form as Fire Raven, the exiled princess of Exotica Kingdom. Cast out for her rebellious nature, Fire Raven never lost the love of her people, who eagerly await her return.

No matter how she appears to you, Exotica Skylark will always stun you with her striking and hypnotic presence.