
Spring Fling Carnivale

Spring Fling Carnivale

  • Location:2820 B Oakes Ave, Everett, WA
  • Venue:Austin Bar & Grill
  • Length:08:00 pm – 09:30 pm
  • Sold Out


The Webster’s dictionary has the following terminology for these words: Carnivale: an instance of merry making, feasting or masquerading. Fling: to give unrestrainedly. Spring: rebirth, to arise. Now what could that possibly mean to the city of Everett?  Well if we smash it all together, add balloons, glitter and de’ lovely tattas we get…..{drum roll please}  Everett’s premiere Burlesque show called…”Spring Fling Carnivale”!!!

This event will showcase the talents of Everett’s own Seraphina Fiero! She will be headlining our premiere this coming April. We also have some very special ladies traveling from Seattle and indulging us with their talents.  Ava Raqs will be our belly dancer for the evening. She can shimmy and shake with a sword balanced on her head! Randi Rascal and Sailor St. Claire will sure to please with very special act that may include a court jester, a tattooed lady and perhaps something very pink with feathers? The show will also be bringing you a lovely song bird we found who has a set of brass knuckles you won’t believe!

We are fortunate to have Ms. E.M. Temptress back on stage with us as our “Kitten” for the evening. Pearl Pearl the pick-up girl will be running our boutique from the back and Ms. Jules Anslow will be our door mistress.  The host for this spectacular will be none other than Siren herself as she welcomes you all to the new home of “Siren and the Treasured Chests”